Sunday, March 09, 2008

Prayer Letter

Hi faith brothers and sisters,

I'll be going on a short-term mission trip this summer, and I am seeking prayer and financial support, so Keiger encouraged me to hustle all of you!  Just kidding, but thanks for letting me post my prayer letter on here, K-man!

I handed out this letter at tonight's service, but I didn't get a chance to give it to everyone I had wanted to.  So if after praying you feel led to support me in any way, I'd be very grateful.

Here it is:

Dear Faith Ohana,

This past fall, I met Jesus for the first time at Nightlife's Holy Spirit Retreat, where I accepted Him as my savior.  While I cannot imagine experiencing anything more powerful than being transformed by God's love, becoming a Christian has not been an easy adjustment - and I could not have done it without your support and guidance.  Words cannot express how grateful I am for your continued aloha!

As I begin the journey of a lifetime with Jesus, I would like to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity God has presented to me through InterVarsity (IV) Christian Fellowship, an inter-church ministry at UH.  From May 23 to June 13, Nightlife's pastor Jordan Seng will lead us on a short-term mission trip to Southeast Asia.

The first leg of our mission will be to Chittagong, Bangladesh, where we will be ministering to children at Home of Love, the special orphanage where Nightlife's Will and Rachel Mather will soon be serving as full-time missionaries.  Bangladesh, a land vulnerable to natural disasters and disease, is one of the most densely populated and impoverished countries in the world.

We will then travel to Chiang Mai, Thailand, where we will work in partnership with established ministries involved in rescuing desperately oppressed youth enslaved in the sex trade.  Chiang Mai is a hub for human trafficking, a booming industry tied to Thailand's tourism economy, that involves the commercial sexual exploitation of many women and children.

As we prepare to pray onsite for those enslaved in poverty and prostitution, several of my IV teammates and I have been studying about global evangelism through a course called Perspectives on the World Christian Movement.  While learning about God's unbounded heart for the nations, I have become even more eager to share with the oppressed the unconditional love God has shown me through followers like you.

I hope you will consider joining me and my IV brothers and sisters in praying that the people we work with in these oppressed countries will receive the miracles of healing, deliverance, salvation and hope.

I'd also like to ask you to prayerfully consider helping me to meet the expense of this mission trip, which will cost $2,3oo.  If God leads you to support me, please note that your monetary contribution will be tax-deductible.  You can make check to InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and send it to:

Kacie Miura
1655 Liholiho St. #202
Honolulu, HI 96822

If it's possible, please respond by April 6.  Please let me know if you need more time. 

Thank you for being open to what God is doing in my life.

If you have any questions, please drop me a comment or email me at


Kacie Miura

Please pray that:
* The Holy Spirit will douse the oppressed and liberate them from both institutional and spiritual bondage
* Our work at Home of Love orphanage will bolster the spirits of the children and help them grow in their walk with Jesus
* God will make his presence known among the minority tribal groups in Chittagong, many of whom are animists and demon-worshippers
* God will give hope to the women and youth who have been forced into Chiang Mai's booming sex trade
* The needs of each member of our mission team will be met 
* Also, pleas pray that this mission trip will open the hearts of my family and friends to Jesus


1 comment:

Lulu said...

You have my fully support, Kacie!