Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hollywood Prayer Group?

Hmm, please check out the following news article and then tell me do you think this kind of stuff actually works, why/why not?

The Kman

Monday, November 05, 2007

Learning about prayer

I just opened the book, “Understanding The Purpose And Power Of Prayer: Earthly License For Heavenly Interference”, by Dr. Myles Munroe. I'm currently reading the introduction and here are the key points the author plans to explain through the book:

Four principles to understanding the importance of prayer:
* God's purpose is more important than our plans.
* God has placed His Word above even Himself.
* God will never violate or break His word.
* God's holiness is the foundation of His integrity and faithfulness.

God created seven primary laws:
* The legal authority to dominate earth was given to mankind only.
* God did not include Himself in the legal authority structure over the earth.
* Man became the legal steward of the earth domain.
* Man is a spirit with a physical body; therefore, only spirits with physical bodies can legally function in the earth realm.
* Any spirit without a body is illegal on earth.
* Any influence or interference from the supernatural realm on earth is only legal through mankind.
* God Himself, who is a Spirit without a physical body, made Himself subject to this law.

The result of these God established laws:
* The legal authority on earth is in the hands of humankind.
* The Creator, because of His integrity, will not violate the law of His Word.
* Nothing will happen in the earth realm without the active or passive permission of man, who is its legal authority.
* The Creator and the heavenly beings cannot interfere in the earth realm without the cooperation or permission of mankind.
* God must obtain the agreement and cooperation of a person for whatever He desires to do in the earth.

What is prayer?
* Prayer is man giving God the legal right and permission to interfere in earth's affairs.
* Prayer is man giving heaven earthly license to influence earth.
* Prayer is a terrestrial license for celestial interference.
* Prayer is man exercising his legal authority on earth to invoke heaven's influence on the planet.

Friday, November 02, 2007

More from Willow Creek...

Be sure to read and view the video links to the FIRST Willow Creek post, BEFORE checking out this link (click title or it is copied below). You may want to do some praying and soul searching too.

The question I have for YOU...


Tell me some stories, some thoughts, some struggles....


Keiger Bowman

Willow Creek Repents Article

Please check out the link I've posted and share YOUR thoughts, ideas, and questions.
(You can click on the title of this entry or down below)

Remember to be respectful as we are reminded in 1 Peter 2:17. The Willow Creek video links in the the article are wonderful and well worth watching BEFORE you reply here.

God bless you and may the Holy Spirit speak to all of us... We are here for a pursose: HIS.

God Rocks,

Keiger Bowman