Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Coal To My Mouth

Isaiah had an encounter with God and was surrounded by heavenly beings...As Isaiah realized he was in the presence of God, he became instantly aware of his own sinfulness (he didn't even need the 7 deadly sins online test). One of the heavenly beings came to him with a burning coal from the alter before God and cleansed Isaiah of his guilt and sins were forgiven (read Isaiah 6).
Please note that while Isaiah recognized his sinful state it was not he who put the coal to his mouth...it was a God thing!

How often do we try to cleanse ourselves....if we would only read the Bible more, if we would only pray more...give more...work harder.

It's easier than that and it can never be by our efforts, value, worth or doing....it's God's doing.....it's a God thing!

So, we admit we are sinners, acknowledge were we end and God begins and allow God to touch our lips with coal.

Yes, reading the Bible is important, along with prayer, service, ministry, etc...but THAT doesn't get us into Heaven.

It's a God Thing.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The In's and Out's of Christianity

Theo and Evangel are two people who seemingly are absolute opposites. Their focuses are completely different. Yet both claim to be seeking the same thing…a closer walk in their Christianity.

Theo is immersed in the Bible; the study of Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek; researching root meaning of words; ancient cultural norms and points of references. He pours over verses, tearing apart English words to discover how these words were “originally constructed” and trying to find the “correct” and “pure” translation of the Word of God. There are more Bibles, commentaries, dictionaries, lexicons and such then found in most homes. He enjoys the intellectual and factual stimulation that come along with these moments, he seeks more and more moments, and junkie’s-up for more.

Evangel is absorbed with being in the Presence of God; seeking the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; desiring to be “blessed” by the hand of God; and wanting more spiritual encounters and sensations. She enjoys the emotions and feelings that come along with these moments, she seeks more and more moments, and junkie’s-up for more.

Theo’s approach to Christianity may be a bit excessive but understandable. There is much to gain by having a strong understanding of Biblical text (exegetical hermeneutics); relating cultural and historical significance to passages and words; and being knowledge of Scripture.

Evangel’s approach to Christianity may also be a bit excessive but understandable. To have a personal encounter with God is emotional and, at times, dramatic. Wanting to draw close to God is a natural desire as she discovers the Living God in her life, and wanting more and more such moments is normal.

The Mix
Some would think there is a dichotomy within our walk with Christ, meaning there are two distinct and perhaps opposing paths to follow. While Theo and Evangel is a bit of my own hyperbole for the purpose of this blog, we do see this to varying degree in the people in our churches.

What is needed is to mix a bit of both and to add a good blending of “practicing what we preach” in our own lives and into the lives of other Christians and to a dark, fallen, lonely world.

The Body of Christ needs each other, to lift, counsel, correct, and love.

The world needs each of us to lift, counsel, correct and love them, always showing Christ’s love, compassion, and concern.

We need to come along side with others…showing them the Word and the Walk.