A Community of Writers and Readers...all about building each other up in the Love of Our Lord--Jesus Christ. You'll find random thoughts, stuff about Spiritual Gifts, Inner Healing, cool fiction, and even poetry!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Spoken Word, Topic 4: Testimony
Sunday, March 30, 2008
How is YOUR Witness?
This Faith-filled woman sure has got the country's attention...God ROCKS!
The Kman
Wild Ride: Life is a Roller Coaster!
Each of us rides in our own car and we can't see the whole ride... In fact, we can only sometimes see the next bend in the track. Is that a curve or a drop coming up? This ride is so interesting because of it's complexity and design. We sometimes find ourselves in our car, alone. Other times a number of cars come together and we share in the experience, even enjoying the added momentum of the added weight of the other riders to propel us on to the next climb or turn. There are even other times when the other riders can cause a bit of a bottleneck and slow us, yet on we ride... we can't understand everything that happens, nor do I really believe anymore that we are supposed to. That is where evidence and fact ends and faith begins. Our God is in heaven; He does whatever pleases Him.
The Designer has examined our ride and knows everything. He knows when we sit down or try to stand up; every thought when far away. He has charted the path ahead of us and sets up every stop and rest point. At every moment along the track He knows where we are. He precedes and follows us, with His right hand of blessing on us. Such knowledge is too wonderful for us, too great for us to know. We will never escape His spirit, nor get away from His presence.
If we climb towards the heavens, He is there; if we roll down into the dark tunnels, He is there. Across the morning and out past the farthest oceans His hand will guide us and His strength will support us.
How precious are His thoughts about us and our ride! They are innumerable! We can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand.
How fun! So as we sit in our seats, down comes the one thing designed to keep us safe; the safety harness system. God is the safety harness across our shoulders and chest. There is a small manufacturer's plate posted right on it, “Be still and know that I am God... I will never leave you nor forsake you” – Trinity Design.
The design of the system is incredible and even interactive. There is Word, Prayer, Communion, Community, Service, Sacrifice, Faith, Truth, Peace, Salvation, and more all interwoven into this glorious safety system...all beyond our own comprehension and imagination. How cool is that!
Then there are all us riders. We can be so silly-foolish sometimes. There are times, when we don't want the harness to be on at all--risking much to do it our “own way”. There are times where we will death-grip the harness to be sure it is really there and questioning if it can really effectively hold us. We can hold the harness just for the comfort we sense from it; and as I am learning to do, thank God that He is holding me and that I'm in the right car and then lift my hands in praise and enjoyment for the ride He, Himself, created for me... WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!
So my car is climbing up to a plateau and I can't exactly see if it is a drop, a curve, a loop, or corkscrew coming up. This I do know: Our Harness ROCKS!
The LORD is my safety harness and I have everything I need. He lets me rest along flat portions and along side peaceful streams. He renews my breath and my strength. He guides me along the right tracks, bringing honor to His name. Even though I ride down into a dark valley of unknown and it sure is scary, I will not be afraid of He is surrounding me and holding me safe. His bar and harness protect and comfort me. He even feeds me in the midst of the tough stuff. He always welcomes me and I can feel the blessing of His righteous right hand upon me.
He even is so generous that the cup of His blessings are so “HUGANGEOUS, GINORMOUS, GABAZILLION METERS CUBED BIG” that they joyfully spillover and I find His goodness and unfailing love pursuing me all the days of my ride and at the end of the roller coaster, I will live in the house of the LORD forever.
I personally invite you to lift your arms high and we will together see what is next, up around the bend of the unknown.... come on, you know you want to.... Shout it out, “WHEEEEEEEEEEE!”
I've interlaced a few Scriptures in this blog, as I find His Word is useful to teach us what is true...
Please bless us with YOUR Scriptures: What Scriptures do you work into your life that you find helpful as you ride?
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hearing from God: His Fun-loving Response.
Well, I have been talking with my friend, Rodney, about this for a few days, and how I do like the little nuances of change and blessings that have been coming my way, and there has been noticeable changes in who I am, and what God has me doing and experiencing, and I also simply want something "big." Do you remember the adage, "be careful about what you ask for"? LOL!
God has been listening to me.
Honestly, I can't say for sure that what I am about to share is because of my desires, or is it more of a matter of God putting this desire into my heart because He knows what is about to happen...either way... I LOVE HIS STYLE!
Yesterday (Friday), I got a USPS notice that there was a certified letter waiting for me at the Post Office. Not knowing what it was, before going into work today at AMR, I stopped by and picked it up. It was a letter from my apartment management company informing that they will not be renewing my lease and I have until May 15th, to move, as the owners are moving back to Hawaii and reclaiming the apartment....so now I have less than 45 days to find a new place and move.
Now, not too many of you know my history. Currently, this apartment is my 80th move since I was born. Yes, 80th and I am now 44 years old. See, I count any and all moves where I had to pack up my socks and underwear drawer as a move. I figure if someone is taking all their most "personal" belongings, that is truly a move. So, this new move is not a terrible tragedy for me as I am well versed in moving. Something like this doesn't stress me too much.
The FUNNY things are these:
1) This apartment, is the ONE place I have lived longer than any other home in my life, making now just over 6 years.
2) I declared that I would not move on to my 81st move until I was getting married. Oops, guess God has other plans for that one....LOL. (Please LORD, 82 then).
3) I live alone in a two bedroom apartment in Kaimuki and pay rent equivalent to most one bedroom apartments; and utilities and the pool are included.
4) 6 months ago I installed two custom over-sized AC units (living room and master bedroom), and wanted to improve some other elements of the place but oddly felt I should hold off...now I see why. The AC's I got at a huge discount and LOVE having the place nice and cool. I will bless my landlords with them.
5) My expected bonus, from ALTRES, normally due in early March has been delayed until April... now I know what the extra money will be used for... moving expenses, making things nice for the owners (they have been good to me), and the things I'll want/need in whatever place I find next.
So, I'm laughing cuz' my wild ride is starting back up. I've been having great chats all day with God while working and driving. Talking about, where, and what is next...cool stuff.
I still want to live in/near town and my desire is... I'm not sure I want to say it, just in case God is reading this blog too. LOL! Actually, I hope to find a similar place, and continue living alone... I hope my next roommate will be my wife (after the wedding, of course). But WE shall see what our fun-loving God has planned.
I'm sharing this with all of you, so you can watch along with me, seeing just how God provides, tends, moves, and blesses, and watching a new testimony unflod before all of us.... I LOVE God's style!
The Pillar of Smoke by day and the Pillar of Fire by night ROCKS!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Armor of God
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
everything & garden leeches
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Less is More
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Spoken Word, Topic 3: Slavery
the Filipino maid who was framed for murder in Singapore.
Her death created a legacy of protests, but still her government sent more,
declaring that women like her are the heroes of the population
cuz their wages pay the debt for the entire nation.
Everyday from Manila Airport, thousands of women like her leave,
their broken bodies return as cargo, their broken villages grieve.
From Dubai to Shanghai, they're hired by middle-class families;
they're called stupid cuz they don't speak any Arabic or Chinese.
But they understand abuse in every language; they learn fast
that being a migrant ain't much different from being an outcast.
Another is getting ready to go, she don't know how long
she'll have to support her family from all the way in Hong Kong.
She's got to give her baby to an aunt, leave love behind
cuz work at home is impossible to find.
She's got a degree in civil engineering,
but with no job the bills remain unpaid.
Her suffering ain't what the IMF's interested in hearing
so she'll work abroad as a housemaid.
She signs a contract, says she will commit
to strict body regulations -
cropped hair and a cotton maid's outfit -
the marks of domestic subjugation.
All day she raises somebody else's child, misses her own,
imagines how much her baby must have grown,
All day she scrubs long rows of floor tile,
does her best to be obedient and docile,
And once she's finally done with every demanded chore,
her mistress rolls her eyes and gives her more.
After a 15-hour work day,
she rushes to the bank to wire home her pay.
She thanks God because even though life is rough,
she has faith that what she earns will be enough
for her family to escape poverty,
for her country to regain economic sovereignty.
She knows what it's like to sacrifice,
in this life she's already paid her price,
for her child she left her nation -
like Jesus, she suffered without hesitation.
"Indeed, we are degraded, humiliated and discriminated against .. Be proud then to be Filipino. Let's prove that we are not here to disgrace our country but to work and earn money ... let's life our hands to God, for God is mightier than anything. Through Him, we can find assurance, guidance and care." - a domestic servant (Padua 1991)
"What is wrong with being a domestic helper anyway, or shall I use the word servant or muchacha? From Christ's point of view these are the people who will become great because they humble themselves to serve others." - "Mommie Jingco," a missionary who writes a column for a magazine circulated among domestic servants in Hong Kong
Spoken Word, Topic 2: Abuse
Spoken Word, Topic 1: Suicide
Monday, March 17, 2008
Listening Service: A Place to Share
We will need to grab some rocks to build a monument in the midst of the Jordan River where we crossed on March 16, 2008. I believe this is a watershed moment in this community of God's people.
You are welcome to share your feelings and experiences here....
The Shepherd and Guardian of our Souls ROCKS!
Hearing from God: in Pidgin
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
First Love?
Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.
I remember how eager you were to please me as a young bride long ago, how you loved me and followed me even through the barren wilderness.
You humble yourselves by going through the motions of penance, bowing your heads like reeds bending in the wind. You dress in burlap and cover yourselves with ashes.... Do you really think this will please the LORD?
When people’s lives please the LORD, even their enemies are at peace with them.
Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.
You must love the LORD your God and obey all his requirements, decrees, regulations, and commands.
For this will please the LORD more than sacrificing cattle, more than presenting a bull with its horns and hooves.
But be very careful to obey all the commands and the instructions that Moses gave to you. Love the LORD your God, walk in all his ways, obey his commands, hold firmly to him, and serve him with all your heart and all your soul.
If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother.
So be very careful to love the LORD your God.
Love the LORD, all you godly ones! For the LORD protects those who are loyal to him, but he harshly punishes the arrogant. So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the LORD!
Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
If anyone does not love the Lord, that person is cursed. Our Lord, come!
*** *** ***
So I pulled a number of Scripture regarding loving God...
What was it/is it like to experience your "first love"? Do you have memories or thoughts of when that special person was always on your heart and mind?
You look forward to sharing your day...
You look forward to spending time...
You ponder what they are thinking of you...
You imagine what they like/enjoy while you are away...
You look for and know the things that will please them and cause a smile to burst forth....
Hmm.... How is your FIRST LOVE?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Flight of the Monarch

Hearing from God: There are Opportunities, Then There are Opportunities
Have you ever considered that NOT every opportunity brought before you is actually from God? This can even be more frustrating and confusing if you have people around you saying it is of God, yet it just doesn't sit right with you. Hmm, ever have something like this happen to you.?
Consider this:
Dave, works for the large corporation, IAM, with two large divisions within the corporate structure. Dave had worked directly for the IZ division under Sully for years. And while working under Sully, poor Dave was hassled and literally persecuted by Sully and his core leaders. It was really like the guy was trying to kill Dave with harsh words, sharp as spears, and he seemed jealous of him at every turn. He was literally chased from one job assignment to another. Sully had amassed a core group of employees faithful to him and against anything and everything that Dave did for the division and the company.
Then twice in Dave's career, Sully made a mistake, leaving himself vulnerable and at the mercy of Dave. It was intense, because even Dave's closest friends were telling Dave that these opportunities were from God and Dave's chance to finally get even with Sully and be free from his persecution. It was these “opportunities” that his friends were saying was Dave's moments to be vindicated and raised up to more leadership and rank.
In Dave's heart, he knew that this was not how God wanted him to act, and he accepted that the Lord had placed Sully in the position as his boss, and he would not touch Sully when he was down. Dave really sought to hear from God and he totally trusted that God would sort things out correctly in His time....WOW!
It is interesting to see that Dave showed true grace towards his mean boss, and how Dave looked at the “opportunities” before him, not as from God, but as not matching with the heart of God. Dave had been a man of prayer and obedience to the Lord, so when these moments came to life, he knew they really were death and decay...not of God.
I hope and pray we each can get to be so tight with God that we can stand on His truth when others are pointing at a convenient truth. May the Lord guide our every step and may we walk in obedience to the Word of God, and His perfect plans, purposes, and will for each of us, AND through each of us!
May we seek to hear You Lord, every moment of every day so that we can immediately recognize when opportunities are NOT from You, and when they are.
The God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob ROCKS!
Grace: the winning strategy
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Prayer Letter
Hearing from God: What's Up with the Lord?
Dave, this really great Christian guy, wanted to start and build up a new and impressive ministry for God. The dude had been serving in ministry for several years and literally everyone saw that the Lord's hands were upon his life and upon his every venture. Here was a man, who had walked with the Lord and grew more and more in his knowledge and love of God as well as had grown into the strong and effective minister he was now. Amazing story really, coming from a backwater small ranch as a young kid to being in charge of several ministries throughout the country and even contending for the Lord in other countries. There was no doubt that Dave's heart was sincerely after the Lord's own heart and he was very passionate about his faith and about stirring others faith up for God too.
Dave had skills too; he jammed on the guitar during worship and as a songwriter and poet, he was no slouch either. Dave was the real deal, a man's man in several ways. He even had great success in mixed martial arts (MMA), beating guys who were like huge giants compared to most men, and even in his personal struggles and his hardships he really sought after the Lord. He faithfully prayed and prayer journaled like the best of them.... Good stuff!
So, Dave has this great idea to build a new complex, The Jehovah Praise and Worship Center. It was going to be the very best thing Dave had ever done and it was in his heart to please God in doing so.
On realizing his own passion and desire to do this, Dave was wise enough to get confirmation from his good friend Nat.
Now Nat was another solid Christian who was gifted in hearing God's voice—be it through prophecy, knowledge, and wisdom. When Nat would seek God, he'd get an answer. He was a great guy for Dave to check with.
“Hey Nat,” Dave said, “I'm gonna build the Jehovah Praise and Worship Center!” I'll get the permits and funding to do this and it will rock the city!”
Nat immediately replied, “Bro, you should go for it, if you thought of it, ya' know God's gonna be stoked by it...He's always had your back.”
That night, Nat actually hears from God; countering the very words Nat spoke to Dave earlier. So in the morning Nat calls up Dave and explains that God actually spoke, saying that Dave was not to build the JWPC. God had someone else in mind to build it, though Dave could still be involved in gathering all the necessary plans, permits, funding, equipment and supply contracts.
What's up with the Lord?
So, what happened that Dave's plans were shot down and altered?
Why did Nat first say it was cool to build the JWPC and then the next morning ring Dave with some bad news?
I tell you, their story is something that I've experienced myself. There are times I think I am planning, doing, focusing, chasing after the very things God wants me to do; because they are biblical, because I'm passionate about them, or because these things are “for” the Lord. Yet, it's not what God wants me to do, or not in the way I “think” it should be.
A wise thing to do is seek Godly counsel, checking with a trusted Christian brother or sister to get a confirming word from the Lord. Hence, we go a talk to our own Nat or Natalie.
Hearing from God is very important and, like Dave did routinely, it is wise to pray and also share our ideas with good counsel...praying, even fasting if it is a big thing too is something to consider.
Now, Nat, excited about what his friend wanted to do, and Nat knew that the Lord had blessed Dave and guided him so visibly, simply assumed it was truly all “G”... all God. He moved in the power of his own view of Dave and in the power of his own human reasoning (even someone who consistently hears from God better check to hear from God before saying something...oops). God didn't think the plan was all “G” and quickly spoke to Nat, probably in his quiet time of prayer, journaling, Bible time, or sleep/dream time, revealed His true plans and corrected Dave's plans.
Personal conviction: "Sorry Lord, for the all the times I choked that one!"
The cool thing, Dave's son, Sam, built the Jehovah Worship and Praise Center...and it ROCKED!
Another man, Pauly, really felt called to leave home on a missions trip to Asia. This sounded good, and he had been there before on previous missions trip. Oddly enough, during his ongoing prayer time, he was actually compelled to go more into the Mediterranean region, as led by the Holy Spirit through a vision.
What's up with the Lord?
It may sound like a great idea to go somewhere, but again, it is a GREATER idea to check with God; to hear what He has to say about it.
I need to remember to pray and seek the Lord in everything, preferably before I do it or open my mouth. There is also great value in seeking Godly counsel:
Proverbs 15:22 "Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed."
Proverbs 16:9 says, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."
Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."
Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed."
1 Kings 22:5 "But Jehoshaphat also said to the king of Israel, 'First seek the counsel of the LORD.'"
You can do a great word search for "seek," "plans," and similar words/phrases to see just how important it is to God Himself, that we contend and travail in prayer to hear from Him...
What's up with the Lord? Ask Him, he loves to talk with you!
The LORD my Shepherd ROCKS!
Friday, March 07, 2008
Hearing from God: just DO it!
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Hillary Clinton: "I Have Felt The Presence of the Holy Spirit"
This written transcript is the bulk of the actual audio link I've posted below. Great interview and I hope will lead us into a number of discussion threads...please get involved in NOT the POLITICS of who she is, but the personal element and the discussion of salvation, the Holy Spirit, the Methodist denominational elelments, etc....
STAY OFF POLITICS-Democratic and/or Republican bashing will not be tolerated AND deleted. As well, any comments endorsing or rebuking ANY party and/or candidate(s).... I do recommend listening to the audio too... GIVE A LISTEN, very FASCINATING and if you allow yourself to really listen, ask yourself what YOUR answers would be to the reporter's questions....
Share with us what YOUR answers and comments would be to the NY Times reporter's questions.
Share with us what YOU think of her biblical beliefs, faith, etc. (STAY AWAY FROM POLITICS as I will delete those).
Share with us what YOU would ask someone, be the reporter for a bit too.
Share with us what YOU think Christ would say to all these questions.
Share with us what YOU think Christ would ask us....
*** *** ***
July 6, 2007
Transcript of Interview With Senator Clinton (NYT Reporter: Michael Luo)
Audio link: (copy and paste you’re your browser or click)
The following is a transcript of an interview last month Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. A few of the questions have been edited for brevity and clarity, and extraneous material omitted.
Q: I hear a lot about John Wesley and your Methodism, and the social activism side of Methodism and how that informs you. But John Wesley talked about how one’s personal faith informs that social action, and it’s that more personal stuff that it’s hard to get a sense of talking to other people because faith is so personal. So, I wonder if you could tell us a little bit about that more personal side of your faith – what does it look like today in terms of spiritual habits? Do you read the Bible regularly, do you pray?
Senator Clinton: Well, I think it looks like it’s looked for most of my life. I have always had a deep personal faith that was rooted in the Methodist church in large measure because I was christened into it, I grew up in it. But, it also very much reflected how I thought about faith as I matured. You know, if you look at the Methodist book of discipline it talks about the four contributing streams of faith -- scripture, tradition, experience and reason. I always resonated to the fact that it was both revelatory and scripture-based but that you were invited to use your power of reason to think through your faith and to work through what it meant to you and how you would live it in your daily life.
And so the method of Methodism was very reflective of my temperament and my predilection to look at things from a faith-based center but recognizing that I didn’t have a corner on faith, that I had to be open to experience and that I had to believe with both my head and my heart if it was going to sustain me over time. I remember reading years ago that Thomas Aquinas said that revelation was eminently rational and that’s the kind of confirmation of my faith experience that I found very supportive over the years.
Q: But, do you believe in this personal relationship with God that some people talk about?
Senator Clinton: Absolutely.
Q: What does that look like for you, and how do you feed that personal relationship with God? Some people talk about prayer, talking to God. Some talk about reading the Bible and experiencing God that way. What does that look like for you?
Senator Clinton: It has looked like the connection that I felt like I made as a child but just kept growing and was always present in my life. I believe in the father, son, and Holy Spirit, and I have felt the presence of the Holy Spirit on many occasions in my years on this earth. I pray, I read the Bible, I read commentary on scriptures, I read other people’s faith journeys. That is, for me, at the real core of how I keep feeding my faith. And, I was lucky because, as I said at the faith and politics event, I was taught to pray and I inculcate it as a habit in my daily life.
Q: I read an interview that you gave in ’92 to the United Methodist News Service. You mentioned in there that you carried a little Bible with you -- new testament, psalms, proverbs -- on the trail in ’92. I wondered, do you still have that? Are you carrying that with you, do you really carry that with you on the trail today?
Senator Clinton: I do. It’s not the same version. But I still carry it.
Q: And, it’s this little thing that’s in your purse?
Senator Clinton: Yeah, it’s in one of my bags.
Q: Is there a favorite book that you return to in the Bible?
Senator Clinton: It depends upon what’s going on in my life. It depends upon the challenges and questions that I’m coping with. Psalms is always a favorite. It’s both comforting and challenging. There are lots of aspects of Isaiah that I find very intriguing and provocative. I have a lot of verses sort of scattered through the Old Testament but I spend most of my time in the New Testament. For me it isn’t like there’s one place I go all the time because my experience changes all the time. I spent a lot of time when I was growing up trying to, for me, work out the balance between personal salvation and the social gospel. And, I gave a speech or said something at one time about how I thought that in the Methodist church a lot of the churches had drifted too far on the social gospel side which is very understandable because there were a lot of serious issues certainly that were facing me when I was growing up on race relations and on the Vietnam war and so much else. But, you have to keep in balance the feeding of your spirit and your soul and the need to be nurturing your personal faith while you try to have the energy and the support to go out into the world. There’s that great line in James about how faith without works is dead, but works without faith is too hard. And, that’s kind of how I see the necessary blending of what I want out of faith. For some people a personal relationship with God, a sense that you’re saved, a real belief in your salvation is incredibly both moving and comforting.
Q: And, I’m just going to ask, is that in terms of the salvation side, as opposed to the works side, is that something that animates you? Is that something that you think about in a day-to-day way in terms of your own faith?
Senator Clinton: It’s like the background music. It’s there all the time. It’s not something you have to think about, you believe it. You have a faith center out of which the rest flows. But, for me, evidencing that and feeling called or pushed to act in the world would not have been possible to sustain without that sense of faith and the personal relationship that I have.
Q: Can I ask you theologically, do you believe that the resurrection of Jesus actually happened, that it actually historically did happen?
Senator Clinton: Yes, I do.
Q: And, do you believe on the salvation issue -- and this is controversial too -- that belief in Christ is needed for going to heaven?
Senator Clinton: That one I’m a little more open to. I think that it is, as we understand our relationship to God as Christians, it is how we see our way forward, and it is the way. But, ever since I was a little girl, I’ve asked every Sunday school teacher I’ve ever had, I asked every theologian I’ve ever talked with, whether that meant that there was no salvation, there was no heaven for people who did not accept Christ. And, you’re well aware that there are a lot of answers to that. There are people who are totally rooted in the fact that, no, that’s why there are missionaries, that’s why you have to try to convert. And, then there are a lot of other people who are deeply faithful and deeply Christ-centered who say, that’s how we understand it and who are we to read God’s mind about such a weighty decision as that.
Q: And your attitude toward the Bible about how literally people should take it...
Senator Clinton: I think the whole Bible is real. The whole Bible gives you a glimpse of God and God’s desire for a personal relationship, but we can’t possibly understand every way God is communicating with us. I’ve always felt that people who try to shoehorn in their cultural and social understandings of the time into the Bible might be actually missing the larger point that we’re supposed to take from the Bible.
Q: Being a moral person -- what does that mean to you personally day to day as you live your life?
Senator Clinton: It means to try to be that. It means to look for guidance, to seek wisdom, to ask for forgiveness, to pick myself up and start over again when I have fallen short. It means all of that.
Q: Since you joined the Senate and moved to New York finding a spiritual home in New York, a regular church has been something that has been difficult. Has that impacted your faith in any way?
Senator Clinton: No, no. Because of my job now, I go in and out of so many churches and I have so many opportunities to be part of other people’s faith experiences and I really have cherished that. I’ve developed some very close relationships and friendships with people, particularly in New York, and now that I’m running for president I try to, where I can, go to church somewhere else. I was stunned when I went to church in Davenport some months ago, and it was such a really lively multimedia, music-driven service, which you don’t often find in a Methodist church. I’m interested in the liturgy, I’m interested in the message, I’ve always been just fascinated by how people convey their faith and how they try to live their faith. I actually feel like it’s a blessing that I get to be exposed to all of this.
Q: But, your whole life you’ve had a regular church home, so it must be unusual that you don’t have a regular one now.
Senator Clinton: I don’t feel that way. I kept my membership at First Methodist in Little Rock when we moved to Washington, and I still have kept it there. I was back there last summer and it felt like going home. That was a very important church to me when I was in Little Rock.
Q: At the Sojourners event, in response to a question about how your faith had helped you deal with some of the ordeals of ’98 -- I wanted to follow up a little bit on that. Was it that your faith had influenced your decision to stay in your marriage?
Senator Clinton: I think I’ve said all I’m going to say about that. I think that I’ve said all I’m going to say. Obviously my faith was crucial to the challenges that I faced, and I’m very grateful for that.
Q: Were there people during that time that you turned to in terms of spiritual support.
Senator Clinton: There were many people, both people who I had known a long time and people who I had not known, but came seeking me out and offered their personal support. I got a lot of recommendations about scripture verses to read and about other spiritual readings. I’ve written about this and talked about it a lot, but the parable of the prodigal son as conveyed by Henri Nouwen, made a huge impact on me. The discipline of gratitude was -- you just read along sometimes looking for sustenance and support and something jumps out at you and it just really resonated with my beliefs and my sense of what we are called to do. Forgiveness and gratitude are features that I associate with Christ. That to me is part of how one lives as best one can following the example of Christ.
Q: This women’s group that you’ve talked about in the past – they prayed for you, you met with them a few times. I don’t know that much about the group, like how often you guys met, was it really like these small groups that they have in churches in terms of that level of interaction? I also understand that you were a little apprehensive about meeting with them initially and I wondered if you could talk to me about why that was and how that was overcome.
Senator Clinton: As I recall, I was invited to meet with them by a good friend of mine, Linda Lader. I had met a few of the women, but I didn’t know most of the women, and I also was asked to visit with them by Doug Coe, who was and still is, the director of the National Prayer Breakfast and the National Prayer outreach and it was over at their headquarters in Virginia which is kind of a retreat center. And, they invited Tipper and I to come to lunch and I really did it mostly for Linda and Doug who asked me to.
Q: Because you were a little bit wary?
Senator Clinton: Well, you know, I didn’t know. I had friends who prayed for me, I prayed for myself, I prayed for other people, I felt like I was sustained by prayer. Since Bill had decided to run for president I had countless people saying they were praying for us and then once he became president there was a real outpouring of people. But I went, and I’m really glad I did.
It was a wonderful group of women in a bipartisan gathering who really thought that the mean-spiritedness and the negativity that had come to mark so much of our political life was very much counter to their beliefs and so they wanted to lift up Tipper and me and did so at this lunch. And, then they wanted to continue to pray for me. So I met with them periodically, I wouldn’t say regularly, but when our schedules could work out I had them to the White House. Holly Leachman became sort of the real contact person for me in the group and became a friend. It was fascinating because a lot of them were deeply involved in the national prayer group, and I was very touched by their desire to choose me to pray for. And it was a way for me to let go and let them do it and for them to reach out and do it. What was fascinating is that over time a lot of the people who had been part of the most critical and negative attacks on me began to seek me out. The first person who did that was David Kuo. Doug Coe had asked me to come to speak to a dinner that was held the night before the prayer breakfast and most of the people in there were people who were very unsure of how I was or what I stood for but Doug was always very supportive of me. He had me speak at one of the national prayer lunches, he arranged for me to meet Mother Theresa after one of the national prayer breakfasts. And, David came up and asked for my forgiveness, and several other people have done the same.
Q: Was that difficult?
Senator Clinton: It was surprising when it first happened, but it was very moving to me. I was sort of startled because it was in a public place. I was shaking hands and he gave me a long history about who he had worked for and what he had done to attack me and impugn my motives and my character and everything, and I said, of course I forgive you. When I got to the Senate, Sam Brownback sought me out. I wouldn’t have talked about it except that he talked about it, and it was very touching to me. He actually came to see me and said now that we actually know each other, because we had never met before, he said, I really came to ask for your forgiveness. I think that a prayer network often can move us to do things that we might not otherwise do.
Q: In terms of forgiveness for you, is there, for lack of a better word, a simplicity to forgiveness...
Senator Clinton: Oh, no. Oh my gosh. Are you kidding? It’s the hardest thing in the world.
... I’ve had a lot of time to think about it over the years. It is both hard to forgive and to ask for forgiveness. There’s a reason that it is talked about in the Bible. It is really hard. It is hard for people to let go of legitimate hurts and slights and disappointments. It is human nature to look for people to put that onto, to blame. You look around the world today and you think, the whole idea of the new covenant was really a new relationship with God, a sense that we could be forgiven, that we could seek both personally and through our relationships with others that gift of forgiveness. It’s instrumental. It’s instrumental in life, it’s instrumental in how you think about yourself. I used to teach a Sunday school lesson about how you had to forgive yourself. We all have things that often times we’re upset about, or ashamed of, or feel guilty over, and so many people carry these enormous burdens around. And, I think that one of the great gifts of faith is to let it go. It doesn’t mean that you forget, you don’t have to make amends, but you begin to forgive yourself and you then can begin to forgive others.
Q: The thing that we started talking about in the beginning was how Republicans seem to have the corner store on faith for a long time. It seemed like when you gave that politics and meaning speech back in the day that you got a hard time for it. Is it something that you resented that Democrats don’t have credibility when they talk about their faith?
Senator Clinton: I was bewildered by it, that it was somehow illegitimate to talk about faith as a Democrat. I found that just so bizarre that we were being, I think, written out of the whole faith experience. So much of the faith journey in this country are people who have put their faith into action on behalf of others – people who fought for abolition, people who fought for women’s suffrage, people who stood up on behalf of the concepts of justice and so much more. So, I was surprised.
Q: Has that changed now?
Senator Clinton: I think it’s changing. There was an assumption in the political press and beyond that skepticism about faith was probably the order of the day, which I totally get. As I said at CNN, I’ve always been skeptical of people who are wearing their faith on their sleeves. I think that it’s a good kind of skepticism to have, but we went too far the other way where it was somehow illegitimate to express your faith in the public square. So, many of us, and you know, Burns has been part of this and others of us in our own ways, we’ve been trying to search for the common ground where we can have these discussions without falling into the trap that is too easily tempting, that we are somehow judging based on our personal experience instead of trying to offer a perspective to move forward together.
Q: On that question, you haven’t talked about it much yourself. I wondered if maybe you felt a recoil from a decade ago when people gave you a hard time on that. Do you think that maybe you should have been talking more about that, and Democrats themselves -- Pat covered John Kerry and it was very difficult, very rare to see him talk about his faith.
Senator Clinton: I don’t mean this to be critical of the press exactly, but the story is easier if you say that there’s a certain religious agenda that is promoted by a political party and people who have allegiance to that political party and if you try to have a more complicated and nuanced discussion of faith, that’s not so easy to communicate and it’s not as easily accepted. My faith has always been primarily personal. It is how I live my life and who I am, and I have tried through my works to demonstrate a level of commitment and compassion that flow from my faith. But, I wasn’t raised to or believed it was necessary to label it the way that so many people have over the last, say, 15 years.
Q: A lot of people have tried to explain you, and some people have used Methodism as the grand link to explain you and your commitments and your personality. Do you think that’s valid?
Senator Clinton: I think it certainly is a part of who I am. I do not believe in any single gauged definition of any of us. I think we are much more complicated beings than that. But it has certainly been a huge part of who I am and how I have seen the world, and what I believe in, and what I have tried to do in my life. So, it is certainly a part of who I am and any explanation.
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Hearing from God: He Speaks To The Special, Chosen Ones
And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, “Jacob! Jacob!”
“Here I am,” he replied.
“I am God, the God of your father,” He said.
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As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the LORD spoke with Moses.... The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend.
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Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm: “Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me...”
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The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!”
Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”
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One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent...”
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God said to Solomon, “Since this is your heart's desire and you have not asked for wealth, riches or honor, nor for the death of your enemies, and since you have not asked for a long life but for wisdom and knowledge to govern my people over whom I have made you king, therefore wisdom and knowledge will be given you. And I will also give you wealth, riches and honor, such as no king who was before you ever had and none after you will have.”
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The LORD had said to Abram, “Leave your country, your people and your father's household and go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
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“‘What shall I do, Lord?’ I [Paul] asked.
“‘Get up,’ the Lord said, ‘and go into Damascus. There you will be told all that you have been assigned to do.’”
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There are so many more references of God speaking directly to His chosen people; people who responded and did notable stuff. Literally chapters of stuff for God was done by those chosen ones that He also spoke to. In fact, I don't think there was anyone who did manage to do miraculous achievements and deeds in the name of the Lord that also did not hear God speak to them.
How often then, do we say, “Well God speaks to them, but He doesn't speak to an 'average Joe/Joanne' like me. I'm not one of those chosen/special people in the Bible, that's for sure. I haven't chatted face to face with God and heard God call me His friend.”
See, we need to realize that God speaks to special people; people chosen by Him.
“If only I had a friendship like Moses did and was considered God's friend.”
“If only God considered me a man after His own heart.”
“If only, God, if only, if only, I was like one of them...if only I was special.”
I want to talk with that burning bush. I want the Lord to call my name and wake me in the midst of the night to chat. I want to have some one-on-one time with God too. Simply, I need to realize God speaks to the special, chosen ones.
Go ahead and write out all the special attributes and characteristics of David before and after becoming King. Noah was a righteous man. Look at what made Samuel special, he was dedicated to the Lord at birth and lived in the very Temple of God after all. Then there is Peter, Paul, and Mary (not the folk band). Take a serious look at the list of their characteristics, talents, and calling. Can we even come close to these special, chosen heroes of the Bible?
Did these hero's of our faith eat, sleep and struggle with the same things we do?
Did they put on their robe one arm at a time, like we do our pants; one leg at a time.
Can we walk in their slippers?
Did they ever question God?
Did they speak with pizazz and have a plethora of words and pithy phrases at their disposal?
Did they ever get upset, or misunderstand God's movement?
Did they ever ask, “why me Lord?”
Did they ever piss off God?
Moses said to the LORD, “O Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”
The LORD said to him, “Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go; I will help you speak and will teach you what to say.”
But Moses said, “O Lord, please send someone else to do it.”
Then the LORD's anger burned against Moses and he said, “What about your brother, Aaron the Levite? I know he can speak well. He is already on his way to meet you, and his heart will be glad when he sees you. You shall speak to him and put words in his mouth; I will help both of you speak and will teach you what to do. He will speak to the people for you, and it will be as if he were your mouth and as if you were God to him. But take this staff in your hand so you can perform miraculous signs with it.”
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Paul said:
My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.
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But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. He prayed to the LORD, “O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.”
But the LORD replied, “Have you any right to be angry?”
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Hmm, maybe these special, chosen people were just like we are. Can you begin to realize that it is God who choses whom He will speak to? And I'd venture a good guess He'd like to include you and I on that list. After all, God calls us His treasured possession, His chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God.
Jesus declared:
“You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”
Wow, we are friends of Jesus, when we do the will of God He even calls us His brother and sister.
So I hope you are beginning to see the differences between us and the heroes of the Bible can be just that...they are the heroes of the Bible and we too can be heroes.
Right here, right now, we can choose to seek Him; listen the best we can, grow in our relationship and be like sheep who know their master's voice—the voice of the Living God. See, we are His special, chosen ones.
Shhhh, Someone is speaking, listen and you'll hear from God.