Monday, June 30, 2008

Rees Howells: Intercession

Thanks Jeannie for the great teaching on Intercession!

I've found me in more and more a position of Intercessor and sometimes I thought I was going crazy, praying so much for a person or a situation, even when others were telling me I was silly, or that I should stop. A couple of times I even questioned God, and each time He answered strongly...through signs and wonders that I was doing His will.

Well, this past Prayer Retreat really helped me understand what God has birthed and burdened me with...intercession. So I need to get the book, Rees Howells; Intercessor, by Norman Grubb

I've found a great synopsis on Rees Howells' understanding on Intercession and you can click on the title of this blog entry to go straight there. Included is the following information:


Principles of intercession by Rees Howells. Identification.
As the crucifixion of self proceeds, intercession begins.
The Holy Spirit can take the intercessor into extremes to fulfil the intercession like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Hosea, who are some of the great intercessors of the Bible.
Agony in intercession. "if it dies, it brings forth much fruit" -Jesus.
Authority. The intercessor finds a place of prevailing prayer with God.
The gained position of intercession can be used in other prayer situations.
Entering the "grace of faith". The measureless realms of God's grace are open for the intercessor to prevail upon.

More teaching from Rees Howell's College about intercession
Intercession for many is a word that is hard to understand. But there are some basics:

God gives you a prayer that you are responsible to pray through.
When the Lord shows you the prayer, you are committed to it whatever the cost is and for how ever long it takes.
Intercession is completely voluntary. You are never forced into prayer. The intercessor needs to be willing to enter into a new place of intercession.
The intercessors love God so much that they want to obey. They will pay the price because of their love for the Saviour.
The intercessors will discover wave upon wave of evil as they prevail upon God to see the spiritual systems that have held millions of people in bondage for centuries broken.
There is death involved in intercession. But the focus is never just death. The Spirit of God is gaining ground all the time. You will gain tremendous power over the enemy.
Intercession in many ways is hidden. The world does not see the prayer until it is completed. Jesus, The Intercessor, was misunderstood in His intercession. Not until after the resurrection did the disciples begin to understand why He came. Only after His ascension did they begin to understand His work as the, great High Priest, who entered into death to destroy it.

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