Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hearing from God: 10 Exercises to Try

Imagine you are a 6 year-old child. You come to God with a child-like faith and innocence. When you ask God a question, you know you will hear from Him and any thoughts that come to your mind you don't discount as, "I really think it was me, or something I ate, or something I was considering earlier". Please just accept that God speaks and what forms in your mind after you ask your question is God speaking.

1) "God, what game would You like to play with me today?"

After you sense what it is, ask, "God, why this game?"

2) "God, where in this universe and world You created would You like to meet with me today?"

After you sense where that is, ask, "God, why that place?"

3) "God, what would You like to say to me today, for me personally?"

4) "God, what would You like to say to my church?"

5) "God, please show me someone You are concerned about."

After you sense or picture someone (by name and/or face) ask, "God, what shall I do?"

6) "God, what book would You like me to read today?"

After you sense what book ask, "God, why this book?"

7) "God, what movie would You like to watch with me today?"

After you sense what movie ask, "God, why this movie?"

8) "God, what is one thing about me that You adore and love about me?"

After you sense what that is ask, "God, why do You love this about me?"

9) "God, what would You like me to pray for someone today?"

After you sense what that is say, "God, yes I will pray this right now."

10) "God, what song would You like me to sing or listen to today?"

After you sense what song ask, "God, why this song?"

** After trying some or all of these, please come and make some comments on this entry... People will be so encouraged by what YOU share... Your experience, may be the WORD God is giving you for someone else... THAT is part of why God wants to speak to you!


Jeannie said...

Hhmmm. This sounds somewhat familiar. :-)

I have enjoyed these exercises. The most "in your face" answer came to the question, "Where would you meet with me?" I have asked that question twice. The second time was when Callie and I were preparing for prayer time Sunday night. I got the word Cambodia. It really threw me for a loop. When I asked why, the answer was a bit fuzzy.

I won't go into the varied impressions that went with it, but later that night Cambodia came up a couple of times before and during the showing of "Not for Sale."

I am still working on putting the pieces together, but it seemed way too random to not be God.

Callie said...

so I take it you liked the exercise. :)

here's another question - warning, not for the faint of heart!

God, what do you want me to confess so you can cleanse me of it?

What part of my life do You want me to give over to You today?

What opinion of mine do You want to challenge?

Lord, what habit do I have that's keeping me from having a closer relationship with You?

careful - He just might have you do something like confess sins using the 10 commandments....

God is good. :)

Anonymous said...

Jeannie, that's so cool!
While watching the video (right next to you!) i wrote this in my notebook: "I brought bravery back to Bangkok then came here to Cambodia to deliver my covenant."
Maybe the Holy Spirit speaks through alliteration? Maybe it's just me trying to be poetic, but I'll pray into it anyway.. and I'll pray for you!

As for the exercises, I asked God for a song. He said "My Heart Goes On" from Titanic. ICK!!! but when I asked why, he said because his heart knows no limits.

I sort of cheated on the book question...
I was reading an article for my Political Science class, in which we're talking about Japan's propaganda during WWII. The article mentioned the book "Momotaro."
Have you heard of it?
I read it as a kid.... but I started thinking about it and I felt like God said to read it.
I asked why and he said because it's about Jesus... and he told me that I knew Jesus as a kid, before actually even hearing the gospel last semester.
But I don't really remember what the story is about , so I hope I'm hearing Him correctly.

AND... he said that YOU, Keiger, would get a kick out of it! (Which reminded me to come back and post a comment on here)
Have you read it?
I'm going home for the weekend so I'll see if I can dig it up.. then I'll share it with you if you're interested!

The Kman said...

Wow Callie, those are brutally awesome questions to ask God...not for the weak at heart...

Kacie, I think I'll pick up Momotaro soon, I have a pile of books right now, and I have a huge interest in things Japan and China...several books on both, along with a large collection of DVDs.