A number of us attended the conference, When the Holy Spirit Comes in Power. I was so amazed with the messages, the fellowship, the prayer times, the manifestations of God, the worship, the way people relate and express their love of God....too cool!
There were also moments when I did question what I heard, saw, and felt...interesting to see the diversity and commonality, and the HUNGER for more of GOD!
I am pleading with each of you to share YOUR impressions, experiences, thoughts, and questions in the COMMENT link on this entry...That's where I'll share my thoughts too...
PLEASE SHARE, YOUR testimony is part of OUR testimony and our words become spirit.
You do have something to say!
Well no one seems motivated to comment on the conference...This matches most of my observations and reflections:
We came; We left; We didn't change.
The boy came in a wheelchair and he left in a wheelchair.
We sang, danced, waved flags. We blew horns, we shouted, we cried, we raised our hands, we laughed, we clapped, and we rolled/laid on the ground. We even went through a fire tunnel.
We sang of God's great love, we shouted, "AMEN" and "COME ON" and we called upon the Holy Spirit to fill us... Doesn't He give us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control and other stuff?
We dropped trash on the ground, we complained, we avoiding greeting others, we gossiped, we carried on conversations instead of hearing what the speakers had to say, we looked with contempt at people with piercings, tattoos, and who didn't dress like us or drive the same quality of car, we took the best parking away from the elderly and women with kids, we stole from the bookstore, we trashed the bathrooms, we watched as others served, we were annoyed by people's cologne, perfume, or the obvious lack of either.
We sought first the "kingdom of me", and all these other things weren't added unto us...
Flag-wavers whacked people with their gyrations and had complete disregard for proximity to others, we distracted others with our wailing and body-slammed each other, and we saved seats just so the odd guy wouldn't sit next to us.
We came with needs and we left with the same needs.
We came for healing and we left unhealed.
The "When" in the "When the Spirit Comes in Power" is still in question... Maybe if we go to Toronto or to Azuza Street?
We came with expectations of life-changing experiences and we left STILL hoping they may happen.
We came from our churches and we returned to our churches; late for service, not greeting others any differently, praying as before and not seeing ankles or backs healed. We still avoid each other, and there is no need for anyone to cover their face with a veil, for no one glows from an intense encounter with God.
We worship no differently, we teach/preach no differently, we pray and hope for healing and the results are no different.
I still contend for healing and I still contend for a powerful move of God in and through my life...It just didn't manifest from attending the conference.
God is still God and He is AWESOME, we, the church should be having more conversations with God asking why, how, when and where...I've been having this discussion since 5AM.
Since no one is commenting on the conference, perhaps you'd like to share how the Police concert went, or what you did on President's day?
Oh yeah, and if YOU do have a good testimony... I'd sure like to read it...
Wow. I am surprised at your observations. Why haven't I, personally, replied to the blog? Well, I have been spending a lot more time seeking God's face since the conference. Processing where He is leading and how He is healing.
People are imperfect. Christians are imperfect. And we could choose to focus on that. Or we could choose to set our minds on things above.
I am not sure that I can form all of my thoughts and feelings from the conference into words. Unusual for me, to be sure. And yet maybe the best evidence that God spoke.
haha keiger, you rock!
God keeps you up at such insane hours. but im glad you're having such honest conversations with him.
i didnt get to go to the conference or the police concert (before my time!!!), because i was back at home on the big island, where i dropped trash on the ground, avoided greeting others, gossiped, and looked with envy at people with piercings and tattoos. after all, we're just dust in the wind, right?
which is why i'm even more grateful that
ohhhhh but i heard that my friend Elijah brought down the house with his singing and ukulele!
i think he was the last one to perform =)
Worship was awesome and it's great to see people getting healed.
When I was crossing the praying line, I felt really dizzy but I didn’t want to pass out. At the end of the line, I wanted to laugh. The whole praying line heated my head and hands. It is a familiar feeling, and I managed to control my physical body. I think it’s alright to control the body from not being crazy.
The impact for me probably still there: got up 5:10ish for couple of days since the Conference. Just hope it won't be my biological clock. I don’t want to sleep early!!!
On Saturday, honestly I didn't get any words from the lady's talk. I appreciate American accent more than British.
But thanks for Elijah's worship! That's the tear bomb!
How disheartening! Not everyone is lead to respond the same way as you or anyone else. Your perception may be your own and that's between you and the Father who wants to love on you, but just because no one responded to a BLOG doesn't mean, they have not been touched or encountered by the love of God! Hello......you, nor I can make that kind of remark or judgement! But then again why would you want to. I pray that you would be moved and changed to respond differently to a situation when YOU are discouraged. Let God move in the way He wants to instead of you moving people in the way you want to.
You say you still contend for the power of healing and that our God is still so AWESOME but your words nor heart reflects that. You said, "someone came in a wheelchair and left in a wheelchair", but what did you do about it? Maybe you came with needs and left with the same needs, so maybe that's why you've been up since 5am having this conversation with God, but are you hearing what He is saying to you! He fulfills all your needs and already has.
I rebuke what was said so that the enemy cannot have, what words were said in discouragement. May the many wonderful healings and testimonies go forth in praise and rise to Heaven! May the seeds that were planted be ripe and ready for harvest!! Go mighty ones of God!
PS We were not late for church, we didn't leave unchanged, we were healed and many around us were too. We didn't drop trash on the ground or steal from the bookstore! But sorry if I whacked you with the flag and my gyrations! OOPS
Glory to Him in the highest!
I wasn't there but everything Kman wrote about I am not surprised at all. I have experienced all that at conferences, retreats, and summer camps. People get snotty and there are the "popular" clicks. It's like high school all over again. As a new Christian, I accidentally sat in a seat that was "reserved" at one of those conferences. The lady rudely snapped at me and said "you can sit there, it's RESERRRRVED!" I was saw that same lady raise her hands in worship, speak in tongues, and praise God with all her heart. It left a really bad taste in my mouth. We get so selfish at these conferences. It's all about "what am I going to get from God, I want, I want, I want..." Thanks for being bold to share what most people won't admit. Yes, people do steal at the conferences, yes, people gossip, and yes, people do litter - have you ever seen the stadium after Promise Keepers or the camp groups after a large conference takes place there? Ask the janitors and groundskeepers.
I hear Kman's heart in that the modern Christian church has put so much emphasis in the modern conference and used Christianese to "encourage" all that were involved whether the Holy Spirit shows up, or not. One could say that these "wonderful", "refreshing", "life-changing" conferences are rarely where the greatest growth in the Christian walk occurs. C.S. Lewis once quipped that our walk can be seen through peaks and valleys. Conferences and retreats often represent the peaks and the rough patches are the valleys. He contends that it is easy to "experience God" at the heights of our peaks but it at the valleys that we truly experience growth and experience what it is to be dependent on God.
I have often left retreats and conferences and said how wonderfully life-changing the experience was only to go back home and "forget" to read my Bible for several weeks. Maybe the "life-changing" was more to please my fellow Christians and wasn't really heart-felt. The Bible does not call us to be people pleasers. Maybe we should praise the Kman for the integrity in admitting how he felt rather than to criticize him because, "how dare he...".
Movements of the Holy Spirit have occurred several times in our country. The four Great Awakenings that our country has experienced where all characterized by an enduring experience that lasted beyond a three day conference. The revival that was experienced was seen in the changes in the whole country over several years. I think what the Kman desires is that we not be satisfied with a refreshing conference but, rather, that we would contend for an awakening that changes the hearts and minds of our culture at large!
My challenge to the Kman, however, is that whether books were stolen or people left unhealed does not mean that the Holy Spirit did not move in a big way. There was never a greater movement of the Holy Spirit than what was experienced in Acts. Yet, Ananias and Sapphira chose to steal from the church book store too (ok, so they held back from the sale of property but the heart is the same). And, never forget, Jesus walked right on by the lame man by the temple gates without uttering a word. That boy will be healed when God's math says it is time for him to be healed.
God Bless all.
my impression is that everyone had a different experience at this conference, which seems like it often happens when the holy spirit is doing stuff. i was amazed by the number of healings, as well as the stories that speakers told of healings they have witnessed. my faith in praying for healing was increased. but none of the people i prayed for at the conference were healed, and in fact i don't think anyone i've prayed for in my life has been healed (that i know of)... but i was encouraged by bill johnson saying that his church prayed for healings for years without any results before the healings started happening. this is a similar story to the testimony of the guy who started the vineyard church (he prayed for like 800 healings before anyone was actually healed). maybe we need to just put in our time, praying for healing whenever we can, and eventually they will happen? just a thought.
i also wanted to get some prophetic prayer at the conference, and so i found some people willing to pray for me, and those prayers were very meaningful for me.
so that was the highlights of my experience. keiger, sorry you had such a negative experience. but thank you for all the hard work you put into organizing, cleaning, etc.
regarding revivals, i would be cautious to say that they don't lead to anything that lasts... sometimes they don't change whole cities or countries, but i think they often change at least some individuals for a lifetime, which probably makes it all worthwhile to god.
WOW, thank you so much to EVERYONE that has commented on this entry or has personally sent me an email....again, thank you, even if I don't know who all the "anonymous" are. What I wrote as a comment was intentionally a little shock-valued, See, many of my observations and comments were a result of thoughts expressed to me from volunteers, staff workers, senior pastoral types and others in attendance. My blog is a place to talk about this stuff... To help each of us, and DEFINITELY
me learn...
Please understand that I heard wonderful things too. Some are waiting for confirmation from Dr.'s etc... I have also received a few of Dean's communications from before and after the conference so I am in touch with much of what has and is going on from that perspective as well.
Believe me, God did show up, and many wonderful things happened. But, I always will contend for more of God and want all He has... AND I want those who left a bit puzzled or surprised or disappointed to have a voice. I don't necessarily agree with some of their sentiment, but I know what
it is like to hide my feelings and thoughts because someone may think of me as LESS CHRISTIAN or less spiritual.
I also don't like it when people try to help God with a little exaggerated public-relations or by creating "legends" out of stories.... Sometimes well-meaning people, come across pretentious and spiritually
snooty, as if EVERYTIME there is a Christian event it has to be GREAT in all aspects and if I didn't fall over laughing, being slain in the Spirit, drunk and filled with tongues while visiting heaven with angels seen all around me, something is wrong with me.
Can someone be a strong Christian, healing people and NOT speak in tongues, fall under the Spirit, be drunk in the Spirit and have gold dust on them?
Understand that there were some healing and there were some who weren't healed. God is sovereign and His ways are higher than our ways. Do we try to explain away why some are healed while others aren't? "It must be their lack of faith!" "Must be their sinful life." Fill in the blanks, "must be ___________________ _______________ _____________ ___________."
Yes, I hope to contend for more and more and more all the days of my life. I want people to see, walk, cured of cancer, restored mentally, etc. I also believe God wants those things even more than I do.
I did hear some people expound upon the conference as if this was a huge revival...it wasn't and it was...corporately not so much, not like the Great Awakening, Toronto Blessing, or Azuza Street. Personally, tons of people are more on fire for God and seeking the move of the Holy Spirit more! Praise God. I believe nearly everyone was REFRESHED in some supernatural way.... God is so cool! One pastor has since began to lay hands on people, his prayers have a new boldness and he is hungry for more! Wheu Heuw!
Again, I want us to contend for the genuine, call it like it is, and even disagree yet seek Him...contending for more and more and more. Not accepting less or anything counterfeit or faked just to help God look good. He looks MARVELOUS all on His own.
I'm curious what people think about the following: in Perspectives class, we learned that 10 common elements of revival are:
1. Repentance
2. Holy Spirit acts in miraculous ways
3. Historical conditions must be ripe
4. there's always a theological breakthrough
5. God works through a key person
6. Church and parachurch (e.g. missions agencies) are both necessary
7. internal revival leads to external expansion
8. new forms of spirituality show up
9. new distribution channels are available (e.g. invention of printing press)
10. new leadership training models
Does this fit with what is happening in Bill Johnson's church? Why or why not?
I guess what struck me when I've been thinking about revival for the last week is that I didn't see any repentance at the conference, whereas most revivals I've heard of involve a lot of repentance (although I've only really investigated the revivals which happened at my alma madre, Wheaton College)
Excellent comments, points, and questions Kim.
One thing to consider in regards to the lack of revealed repentance is this may be a bit of evidence and more in alignment with the original thrust of this entry...and/or: God's simply not done with us.
At Bill Johnson's church there is a large measure of repentance from what I've read and heard via, podcasts and downloaded audiotapes.
The Conference was different. There still may be much repentance...privately, and/or back at people's own churches. Perhaps even before the conference...
Maybe God wanted this time to be more of time of refreshing of our spirit and a special time for the Holy Spirit too.
Much has been spoken before and since the conference about revival being loosed in Hawaii...so repentance could still be coming forth...in a notable, manifested way.
In your perspectives class the key to remember is these are 10 COMMON elements, nor requirements, nor formula for success.
Perhaps in accordance to #4 (There's always a theological breakthrough) and #8 (new forms of spirituality show up) God is having fun messing with our established understanding of the common elements of revival and will have repentance happen by another means/expression and through a different door.
hey keiger, thanks for thinking about my question. in perspectives class we were talking about revivals that swept a nation and had long-lasting national/worldwide results (e.g. the Protestant reformation), so i'm thinking that god also does some smaller revivals (e.g. at my college in 1995) that do not have all of those characteristics. but anyway, i think it's interesting to think about the specifics and patterns of revivals, b/c i feel like it helps us figure out why god moves in that way, and therefore what is an "authentic" revival, and what we should do in response.
another thought related to the conference came to me a few days ago. this is about praying with authority, which i know has some people really excited lately (i won't say any names, justin). i was thinking about the times when i feel "authoritative" in a reprimanding kind of way (this is not a common thing for me). but then i started thinking about times when i needed to reprimand my neighbor's kids (they were pretending to "push" my car while i was trying to back into my parking spot--not safe!!!) and i could envision times when i would need to reprimand my students for clear, inappropriate behavior (e.g. lame excuses for turning in their homework late; plagiarism). i can just imagine what i would say to them, and how i would say it... and i realized that is the attitude in "authoritative prayer" against sickness, demons, etc. it's very interesting for me to think about it that way... really makes me think "do i really have that authority???" i guess the only way to find out is to try :)
i'm not sure if anyone is still reading this section of the blog, but there's my thoughts anyway :)
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