Oh how we struggle with submission. We struggle not only with doing it, we struggle with what it means; what it looks like. I am still trying to get a handle on it too… perhaps this blog is more for me than anyone else….
Let me explain how I see submission. This comes from one of my first pre-marital sessions I ever did for a couple I was going to officiate their wedding. We were meeting for the first time to even talk about what Scripture I was planning on using and when I got to Ephesians 5:22-33, I was asked what I thought submission meant.
I came up with the following illustration that I use during the pre-marital sessions and also during the ceremony, and I think this works beyond the relationship between husband and wife. I see this fits also how we are to fall into submission to God. I hope this clarifies some stuff for us.
Imagine a gold medal ice skating pair…. I always find it funny how most people will remember the name of the woman and we just don’t seem to remember or even watch the male partner. It is the beauty and demonstrated grace, skill, talent, and athletic prowess of the woman that we watch; in awe. Well, that is my understanding of submission.
The woman, in all her glory is in full submission of the man. She need not look around her to see if he is where he needs to be; to hold her hand; to spin her around to set-up the next maneuver; to lift her up; to toss high into the air; and to catch her. The whole time she is submitting herself to his leadership and his leadership is solely focused and revealing to the world all her beauty and her grace…to ensure her very best is released and enjoyed.
She finds great joy, pleasure, and success in her own submission to his leadership, his strength, his support, and in turn they both win the prize…
So, when I submit to the LORD, it is not how the world thinks of submission. It is NOT a win/lose situation. It is NOT painful, or at least not intended to be…unless I am fighting against it. It is NOT something that makes me “tap-out.” I realize that God is GOOD, his will and plans for my life ROCK! It is up to me to willingly submit to His leadership and He will reveal all the beauty, grace, and joy that I can realize as a man…as His child.
Well, what do you think?
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